About the Project

This is a NoSQL database personal-portfolio project that uses Express.js in Node and MongoDB with Mongoose.

Built from the command line up, and modeled on the construction of blog post websites, this project reads each chapter of "The Martian" by Andy Weir from a Mongo database running on an EC2 virtual server on AWS.

The text's copyright information can be found in the footer. To Andy Weir and his fictional space-vlogger Mark Watney, thank you. I greatly appreciated having this resource to post so that the code can take the spotlight, versus the written subject matter within.

Each chapter of the novel was written to the database from a hidden posting-page, and is read back--presented on the pages you see before you--using EJS templating.

EJS also allows for uniform page elements such as the header and footer.

The Martian Project Preview Gif
Node JS, Express JS, MongoDB, Mongoose logos

Contact Me

You can view the rest of my portfolio and reach out via the contact page on my website, https://cheyin.space 🚀
Click here to download a copy of my resume.