Chapter 12

Watney slept peacefully in his bunk. He shifted slightly as some

pleasant dream put a smile on his face. The previous day had been

particularly labor-intensive, so he slept deeper and better than he had in a

long time.

“Good morning crew!” Lewis called out. “It’s a brand new day! Up

and at ‘em!”

Watney added his voice to a chorus of groans.

“Come on,” Lewis prodded, “no bitching. You got 40 minutes more

sleep than you would’ve on Earth.”

Martinez was first out of his bunk. An Air-Force man, he could match

Lewis’s Navy schedule with ease. “Morning, Commander,” he said


Johanssen sat up, but made no further move toward the harsh world

outside her blankets. A career software-engineer, mornings were never

her forte.

Vogel slowly lumbered from his bunk, checking his watch. He

wordlessly pulled on his jumpsuit, smoothing out what wrinkles he could.

He sighed inwardly at the grimy feeling of another day without a shower.

Watney turned away from the noise, hugging a pillow to his head.

“Noisy people go away,” he mumbled.

“Beck!” Martinez called out, shaking the mission’s doctor. “Rise and

shine, bud!”

“Yeah, ok,” Beck said blearily.

Johanssen fell out of her bunk, then remained on the floor.

Pulling the pillow from Watney’s hands, Lewis said “Let’s move,

Watney! Uncle Sam paid $100,000 for every second we’ll be here.”

“Bad woman take pillow,” Watney groaned, unwilling to open his


“Back on Earth, I’ve tipped 200-pound men out of their bunks. Want

to see what I can do in 0.4g?”

“No, not really,” Watney said, sitting up.Having rousted the troops, Lewis sat at the comm station to check

overnight messages from Houston.

Watney shuffled to the ration cupboard and grabbed a breakfast at


“Hand me an ‘eggs’, will ya,” Martinez said.

“You can tell the difference?” Watney said, passing Martinez a pack.

“Not really,” Martinez said.

“Beck, what’ll you have?” Watney continued.

“Don’t care,” Beck said. “Give me whatever.”

Watney tossed a pack to him.

“Vogel, your usual sausages?”

“Ja, please,” Vogel responded.

“You know you’re a stereotype, right?”

“I am comfortable with that,” Vogel replied, taking the proffered


“Hey Sunshine,” Watney called to Johanssen. “Eating breakfast


“Mnrrn,” Johanssen grunted.

“Pretty sure that’s a no,” Watney guessed.

The crew ate in silence. Johanssen eventually trudged to the ration

cupboard and got a coffee packet. Clumsily adding hot water, she sipped

it until wakefulness crept in.

“Mission updates from Houston,” Lewis said. “Satellites show a

storm coming, but we can do surface ops before it gets here. Vogel,

Martinez, you’ll be with me outside. Johanssen, you’re stuck tracking

weather reports. Watney, your soil experiments are bumped up to today.

Beck, run the samples from yesterday’s EVA through the spectrometer.”

“Should you really go out with a storm on the way?” Beck asked.

“Houston authorized it,” Lewis said.

“Seems needlessly dangerous.”

“Coming to Mars was needlessly dangerous,” Lewis said. “What’s

your point?”

Beck shrugged. “Just be careful.”Three figures looked eastward. Their bulky EVA suits rendered them

nearly identical. Only the European Union flag on Vogel’s shoulder

distinguished him from Lewis and Martinez, who donned the Stars and


The darkness to the east undulated and flickered in the rays of the

rising sun.

“The storm.” Vogel said in his accented English. “It is closer than

Houston reported.”

“We’ve got time,” Lewis said. “Focus on the task at hand. This EVA’s

all about chemical analysis. Vogel, you’re the chemist, so you’re in

charge of what we dig up.”

“Ja,” Vogel said. “Please dig 30 centimeters and get soil samples. At

least 100 grams each. Very important is 30 centimeters down.”

“Will do.” Lewis said. “Stay within 100 meters of the Hab,” she


“Mm,” Vogel said.

“Yes, Ma’am,” said Martinez.

They split up. Greatly improved since the days of Apollo, Ares EVA

suits allowed much more freedom of motion. Digging, bending over, and

bagging samples were trivial tasks.

After a time, Lewis asked “How many samples do you need?”

“Seven each, perhaps?”

“That’s fine,” Lewis confirmed. “I’ve got four so far.”

“Five here,” Martinez said. “Of course, we can’t expect the Navy to

keep up with the Air Force, now can we?”

“So that’s how you want to play it?” Lewis said.

“Just call ‘em as I see ‘em Commander.”

“Johanssen here,” came the sysop’s voice over the radio. “Houston’s

upgraded the storm to ‘severe’. It’s going to be here in 15 minutes.”

“Back to base,” Lewis said.

The Hab shook in the roaring wind as the astronauts huddled in the

center. All six of donned their EVA suits in case of a breach. Johanssen

watched her laptop while the rest watched her.“Sustained winds over 100kph now,” she said. “Gusting to 125.”

“Jesus, we’re gonna end up in Oz,” Watney said. “What’s the abort


“Technically 150kph,” Martinez said. “Any more than that and the

MAV’s in danger of tipping.”

“Any predictions on the storm track?” Lewis asked.

“This is the edge of it,” Johanssen said, staring at her screen. “It’s

gonna get worse before it gets better.”

The Hab canvas rippled under the brutal assault as the internal

supports bent and shivered with each gust. The cacophony grew louder by

the minute.

“All right,” Lewis said. “Prep for abort. We’ll go to the MAV and

hope for the best. If the wind gets too high, we’ll launch.”

Leaving the Hab in pairs, they grouped up outside airlock 1. The

driving wind and sand battered them, but they were able to stay on their


“Visibility is almost zero,” Lewis said. “If you get lost, home in on

my suit’s telemetry. The wind’s gonna be rougher away from the Hab, so

be ready.”

Pressing through the gale, they stumbled toward the MAV.

“Hey,” Watney panted, “Maybe we could shore up the MAV. Make

tipping less likely.”

“How?” Lewis huffed.

“We could use cables from the solar farm as guy lines.” He wheezed

for a few moments, then continued. “The rovers could be anchors. The

trick would be getting the line around the-“

Flying wreckage slammed Watney, carrying him off in to the wind.

“Watney!” Johanssen exclaimed.

“What happened?” Lewis said.

“Something hit him!” Johanssen reported.

“Watney, report,” Lewis said.

No reply.

“Watney, report,” Lewis repeated.

Again, she was met with silence.“He’s offline,” Johanssen reported. “I don’t know where he is!”

“Commander,” Beck said, “Before we lost telemetry, his

decompression alarm went off!”

“Shit!” Lewis exclaimed. “Johanssen where did you last see him?”

“He was right in front of me and then he was gone,” she said. “He

flew off due west.”

“Ok,” Lewis said. “Martinez, get to the MAV and prep for launch.

Everyone else, home in on Johanssen.”

“Doctor Beck,” Vogel said as he stumbled through the storm, “How

long can a person survive decompression?”

“Less than a minute,” Beck said, emotion choking his voice.

“I can’t see anything,” Johanssen said as the crew crowded around


“Line up and walk west,” Lewis commanded. “Small steps. He’s

probably prone; we don’t want to step over him.”

Staying in sight of one another, they trudged through the chaos.

Martinez fell in to the MAV airlock and forced it closed against the

wind. Once it pressurized he quickly doffed his suit. Climbing the ladder

to the crew compartment, he slid in to the pilot’s couch and booted the


Grabbing the emergency-launch checklist with one hand, he flicked

switches rapidly with the other. One by one, the systems reported flight-

ready status. As they came online, he noted one in particular.

“Commander,” he radioed, “The MAV’s got a 7 degree tilt. It’ll tip at


“Copy that,” Lewis said.

“Johanssen,” Beck said, looking at his arm computer, “Watney’s bio-

monitor sent something before going offline. My computer just says ‘Bad


“I have it, too,” Johanssen said. “It didn’t finish transmitting. Some

data’s missing and there’s no checksum. Gimme a sec.”

“Commander,” Martinez said. “Message from Houston. We’re

officially scrubbed. The storm’s definitely gonna be too rough.”

“Copy,” Lewis said.“They sent that four and a half minutes ago,” Martinez continued,

“while looking at satellite data from nine minutes ago.”

“Understood,” Lewis said. “Continue prepping for launch.”

“Copy,” Martinez said.

“Beck,” Johanssen said. “I have the raw packet. It’s plaintext: BP 0,

PR 0, TP 36.2. That’s as far as it got.”

“Copy,” Beck said morosely. “Blood pressure 0, pulse rate 0,

temperature normal.”

The channel fell silent for some time. They continued pressing

forward, shuffling through the sandstorm, hoping for a miracle.

“Temperature normal?” Lewis said, a hint of hope in her voice.

“It takes a while for the-“ Beck stammered. “It takes a while to cool.”

“Commander,” Martinez said. “Tilting at 10.5 degrees now, with

gusts pushing it to 11.”

“Copy,” Lewis said. “Are you at pilot-release?”

“Affirmative,” Martinez replied. “I can launch any time.”

“If it tips, can you launch before it falls completely over?”

“Uh,” Martinez said, not expecting the question. “Yes Ma’am. I’d

take manual control and go full throttle. Then I’d nose up and return to

pre-programmed ascent.”

“Copy that,” Lewis said. “Everyone home in on Martinez’s suit.

That’ll get you to the MAV airlock. Get in and prep for launch.”

“What about you, Commander?” Beck asked.

“I’m searching a little more. Get moving. And Martinez, if you start

to tip, launch.”

“You really think I’ll leave you behind?” Martinez said.

“I just ordered you to,” Lewis replied. “You three, get to the ship.”

They reluctantly obeyed Lewis’s order, and made their way toward

the MAV. The punishing wind fought them every step of the way.

Unable to see the ground, Lewis shuffled forward. Remembering

something, she reached to her back and got a pair of rock-drill bits. She

had added the 1-meter bits to her equipment that morning, anticipating

geological sampling later in the day. Holding one in each hand, she

dragged them along the ground as she walked.After 20 meters, she turned around and walked the opposite direction.

Walking a straight line proved to be impossible. Not only did she lack

visual references, the endless wind pushed her off course. The sheer

volume of attacking sand buried her feet with each step. Grunting, she

pressed on.

Beck, Johanssen, and Vogel squeezed in to the MAV airlock.

Designed for two, it could be used by three in emergencies. As it

equalized, Lewis’s voice came over the radio.

“Johanssen,” she said. “Would the rover IR camera do any good?”

“Negative,” Johanssen replied. “IR can’t get through sand any better

than visible light.”

“What’s she thinking?” Beck asked after removing his helmet. “She’s

a geologist. She knows IR can’t get through a sandstorm.”

“She is grasping,” Vogel said, opening the inner door. “We must get

to the couches. Please hurry.”

“I don’t feel good about this,” Beck said.

“Neither do I, Doctor,” said Vogel, climbing the ladder. “But the

Commander has given us orders. Insubordination will not help.”

“Commander,” Martinez radioed, “We’re tilting 11.6 degrees. One

good gust and we’re tipping.”

“What about the proximity radar?” Lewis said, “Could it detect

Watney’s suit?”

“No way,” Martinez said. “It’s made to see Hermes in orbit, not the

metal in a single space suit.”

“Give it a try,” Lewis said.

“Commander,” said Beck, putting on a headset as he slid in to his

acceleration couch. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but Watn-…

Mark’s dead.”

“Copy,” Lewis said. “Martinez, try the radar.”

“Roger,” Martinez radioed.

Bringing the radar online, he waited for it to complete a self check.

Glaring at Beck, he said “What’s the matter with you?”

“My friend just died,” Beck answered. “And I don’t want my

Commander to die too.”Martinez gave him a stern look. Turning his attention back to the

radar, he radioed “Negative contact on proximity radar.”

“Nothing?” Lewis asked.

“It can barely see the Hab,” he replied. “The sandstorm’s fucking

things up. Even if it wasn’t, there’s not enough metal in- Shit!”

“Strap in!” he yelled to the crew. “We’re tipping!”

The MAV began to creaking as it tilted faster and faster.

“13 degrees,” Johanssen called out from her couch.

Buckling his restraints, Vogel said “We are far past balance. We will

not rock back.”

“We can’t leave her!” Beck yelled. “Let it tip, we’ll fix it!”

“32 metric tons including fuel,” Martinez said, his hands flying over

the controls. “If it hits the ground, it’ll do structural damage to the tanks,

frame, and probably the second stage engine. We’d never be able to fix


“You can’t abandon her!” Beck said. “You can’t.”

“I’ve got one trick. If that doesn’t work, I’m following her orders.”

Bringing the Orbital Maneuvering System online, he fired a sustained

burn from the nosecone array. The small thrusters fought against the

lumbering mass of the slowly tilting spacecraft.

“You are firing the OMS?” Vogel asked.

“I don’t know if it’ll work. We’re not tipping very fast,” Martinez

said. “I think it’s slowing down…”

“The aerodynamic caps will have automatically ejected.” Vogel said.

“It will be a bumpy ascent with three holes in the side of the ship.”

“Thanks for the tip,” Martinez said, maintaining the burn and

watching the tilt readout. “C’mon…”

“Still 13 degrees,” Johanssen reported.

“What’s going on up there?” Lewis radioed. “You went quiet.


“Standby,” Martinez replied.

“12.9 degrees,” Johanssen said.

“It is working,” Vogel said.

“For now,” Martinez said. “I don’t know if maneuvering fuel willlast.”

“12.8 now.” Johanssen supplied.

“OMS fuel at 60 percent,” Beck said. “How much do you need to dock

with Hermes?”

“10 percent if I don’t fuck anything up,” Martinez said, adjusting the

thrust angle.

“12.6,” Johanssen said. “We’re tipping back.”

“Or the wind died down a little,” Beck postulated. “Fuel at 45


“There is danger of damage to the vents,” Vogel cautioned. “The

OMS was not made for prolonged thrusts,”

“I know,” Martinez said. “I can dock without nose vents if I have to.”

“Almost there…” Johanssen said. “Ok we’re under 12.3.”

“OMS cutoff,” Martinez announced, terminating the burn.

“Still tipping back,” Johanssen said. “11.6… 11.5… holding at 11.5”

“OMS Fuel at 22 percent,” Beck said.

“Yeah, I see that,” Martinez replied. “It’ll be enough.”

“Commander,” Beck radioed. “You need to get to the ship now.”

“Agreed,” Martinez radioed. “He’s gone, Ma’am. Watney’s gone.”

The four crewmates awaited their commander’s response.

“Copy,” she finally replied. “On my way.”

They lay in silence, strapped to their couches and ready for launch.

Beck looked at Watney’s empty couch and saw Vogel doing the same.

Martinez ran a self-check on the nosecone OMS thrusters. They were no

longer safe for use. He noted the malfunction in his log.

The airlock cycled. After removing her suit, Lewis made her way to

the flight cabin. She wordlessly strapped in to her couch, her face a

frozen mask. Only Martinez dared speak.

“Still at pilot release,” he said quietly. “Ready for launch.”

Lewis closed her eyes and nodded.

“I’m sorry, Commander,” Martinez said. “You need to verbally-”

“Launch,” she said.

“Yes, Ma’am,” he replied, activating the sequence.

The retaining clamps ejected from the launch gantry, falling to theground. Seconds later, preignition pyros fired, igniting the main engines,

and the MAV lurched upward.

The ship slowly gained speed. As it did, wind-sheer blew it laterally

off course. Sensing the problem, the ascent software angled the ship in to

the wind to counteract it.

As fuel was consumed, the ship got lighter, and the acceleration more

pronounced. Rising at this exponential rate, the craft quickly reached

maximum acceleration. A limit defined not by the ship’s power, but by

the delicate human bodies inside.

As the ship soared, the open OMS ports took their toll. The crew

rocked in their couches as the craft shook violently. Martinez and the

ascent software kept it trim, though it was a constant battle. The

turbulence tapered off and eventually fell to nothing as the atmosphere

became thinner and thinner.

Suddenly, all force stopped. The first stage had completed. The crew

experienced weightlessness for several seconds, then were pressed back

in to their couches as the next stage began. Outside, the now-empty first

stage fell away, eventually to crash on some unknown area of the planet


The second stage pushed the ship ever higher, and in to low orbit.

Lasting less time than the massive first stage, and running much

smoother, it seemed almost like an afterthought.

Abruptly, the engine stopped, and an oppressive calm replaced the

previous cacophony.

“Main engine shutdown,” Martinez said. “Ascent time: 8 minutes, 14

seconds. On course for Hermes intercept.”

Normally, an incident-free launch would be cause for celebration.

This one earned only silence broken by Johanssen’s gentle sobbing.

Four months later…

NASA was loathe to waste research time. Trips to and from Mars

were as busy as surface operations. The crew had almost caught up with

the backlog of work. The schedule had been made for six, not five.Beck tried not to think about the painful reason he was doing zero-g

plant growth experiments. He noted the size and shape of the fern leaves,

took photos, and made notes.

Having completed his science schedule for the day, he checked his

watch. Perfect timing. The data dump would be completing soon. He

floated past the reactor to the Semicone-A ladder.

Traveling feet-first along the ladder, he soon had to grip it in earnest

as the centripetal force of the rotating ship took hold. By the time he

reached Semicone-A he was at 0.4g.

No mere luxury, the artificial gravity kept them fit. Without it, they

would have spent their first week on Mars barely able to walk. Exercise

regimens could keep the heart and bones healthy, but none had been

devised that would give them full function from Sol 1.

Because the ship was already designed for it, they used the system on

the return trip as well.

Johanssen sat at her station. Lewis sat in the adjacent seat while

Vogel and Martinez hovered nearby. The data dump carried emails and

videos from home. It was the high point of the day.

“Is it here yet?” Back asked as he entered the bridge.

“Almost,” Johanssen said. “98%.”

“You’re looking cheerful, Martinez,” Beck said.

“My son turned three yesterday,” He beamed. “Should be some pics

of the party. How about you?”

“Nothing special,” Beck said. “Peer-reviews of a paper I wrote a few

years back.”

“Complete,” Johanssen said. “All the personal emails are dispatched

to your laptops. Also there’s a telemetry update for Vogel and a system

update for me. Huh… there’s a voice message addressed to the whole


She looked over her shoulder to Lewis.

Lewis shrugged. “Play it.”

Johanssen opened the message, then sat back.

“Hermes, this is Mitch Henderson,” the message began.

“Henderson?” Martinez said, puzzled. “Talking directly to us withoutCAPCOM?”

Lewis held her hand up to signal for silence.

“I have some news,” Mitch’s voice continued, “There’s no subtle way

to put this: Mark Watney’s still alive.”

Johanssen gasped.

“Wha-“ Beck stammered.

Vogel stood agape as a shocked expression swept across his face.

Martinez looked to Lewis. She leaned forward and pinched her chin.

“I know that’s a surprise,” Mitch continued. “And I know you’ll have

a lot of questions. We’re going to answer those questions. But for now

I’ll just give you the basics.

“He’s alive and healthy. We found out two months ago and decided

not to tell you; we even censored personal messages. I was strongly

against all that. We’re telling you now because we finally have

communication with him and a viable rescue plan. It boils down to Ares 4

picking him up with a modified MDV.

“We’ll get you a full write-up of what happened, but it’s definitely

not your fault. Mark stresses that every time it comes up. It was just bad


“Take some time to absorb this. Your science schedules are cleared

for tomorrow. Send all the questions you want and we’ll answer them.

Henderson out.”

The message’s end brought stunned silence to the bridge.

“He…He’s alive?” Martinez said, then smiled.

Vogel nodded excitedly. “He lives.”

Johanssen stared at her screen in wide-eyed disbelief.

“Holy shit,” Beck laughed. “Holy shit! Commander! He’s alive!”

“I left him behind,” Lewis said quietly.

The celebrations ceased immediately as the crew saw their

commander’s inconsolable expression.

“But,” Beck began, “We all left togeth-“

“You followed orders,” Lewis interrupted. “I left him behind. In a

barren, unreachable, godforsaken wasteland.”

Beck looked to Martinez pleadingly. Martinez opened his mouth, butcould find no words to say.

Lewis trudged off the bridge.